– What programs are offered for recreational soccer? 
A – GRCSA offers recreation soccer divisions for U5,U6, U8, U9, U10, U12 + . The program’s ability to offer each age group remains subject to registration demand and volunteer participation.

Q – How do I determine the correct age group for my child?
A – Age group determination is based on the players birth year. For example, five-year-old children (as of August 1st) play in the U6 divison and 11 year old children play in the U12 division.

Q – When can my child begin playing recreational soccer?
A – Players must be 4 years old as of January 1st to participate in the fall league.

Q – Is recreation soccer co-ed? 
A – Yes, all divisions will be mixed girls and boys programs. Each team will have both boys and girls unless there are enough requests for girls only teams. 

Q – When are games usually scheduled?
A – GRCSA plays games primarily on Sunday afternoons.  Games can start as early as 1:30pm with the latest game starting at 4:30pm. However, when Saturday games are scheduled (usually due to Easter, Mothers Day, other holidays and rain make up days.) those game times are 9:00am to 12pm. The end of the season Jamboree is always on Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00pm 

Q – What days will my child practice?
A – Teams practice once per week. Practice days and time are determined by each individual coach, but typically between 5:30 and 7:00 and last for one hour.

Q – What equipment is suggested? What equipment is required?
A – Players should wear athletic attire. The program will supply team shirts and socks. Shin guards are mandatory and no player may participate without them. Soccer cleats are recommended but are not mandatory. Players should bring their own soccer ball.

Q – When does the season start and end?
A – Generally, the fall season starts for all teams no later than the first Saturday after Labor Day weekend and the spring seasons begins in early March. The season typically ends no later than mid-November in fall and mid-May in spring.

Q – Where are games held?
A – Games are held at the the mouse creek complex.

Q – Are there opportunities for parents to volunteer?
A – GRCSA is a volunteer organization, and the program cannot be maintained without parent volunteers. In addition to coaches and assistant coaches, the program routinely requires volunteers to help out. Prior soccer experience is not required. Participating as a youth sports volunteer is a valuable and rewarding experience.  Please indicate an interest in volunteering on your child’s registration form or contact the recreation chairperson.

Q – What if I have other questions that aren't answered above?
A – The best way to have your questions answered is to contact the Director or Recreation Soccer at :