What are the expected costs for Travel/Select Soccer?

Each player will pay the club a fee  ($200) that covers among other things, registration to TN State Soccer for player insurance and city fees.

Each player will be required to purchase an Uniform Kit. There are 2 choices of kits:

Basic Kit: includes 1 white jersey, 1 maroon jersey, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of socks, and 1 warm up tee

Full Kit: includes 1white jersey, 1 maroon jersey, 2 pair of shorts, 2 pair of socks and 1 warm up tee for $125 plus shipping

Each individual team will collect Team fees. Team Fees cover the cost of tournament entry and reimburse the coach for travel expenses. Your manager will let you know the team fees for the season, and they must be paid directly to the manager. That cost to play will vary from season to season, but will range between $300-$600.

These can be broken down into monthly payments:

U8/U10   $85-$110

U11/U12 $90-$120

U13/U15 $90-$120

U16/U18 $95-$130

 - Explanation of Registration Fees and Club Dues (Table Below*)

Annual Club Registration Fee:  include, but are not limited to, the following: administrative costs of running GRCSA , player TSSA registration, field maintenance, referee assignor fees, etc.

Team Fees: One time team fee or Monthly Fees include, but are not limited to, the following: coach salary, league fees, referee fees, tournament entry fees, team supplies, and coach's travel expenses. Team Fees vary with each team budget, based upon the number of players.

**It is important to note that individual Team Fees are a separate expense from the Club Registration Fee and your Uniform Fee **

Some of our teams conduct fundraisers in order to reduce team expenses.

If you have any questions, please reach out to nbrowngrcsa@gmail.com